The Most Common Plexiglass Applications

Acrylic comes with many applications, the most common: being glass display cases, bulletproof windows, skylights, etc. Below are the most common commercial and non-commercial acrylic applications.

Sporting Equipment

Ever wondered why your lightweight sports shoes make you run so fast are made up of? There are healthy chances that the sole of those shoes is made utilizing acrylic. In sports, every microsecond can make an astronomical difference; therefore, acrylic material becomes a must-use thanks to its durable yet light properties.

Acrylic is used in performance shoes, tennis racket handles, and bike helmets. After carbon fiber, acrylic is the used plastic for making sports goods.

Home Improvement

Acrylic’s transparency makes it a premium choice for the decoration furniture industry. With polycarbonate or perspex, acrylic has become an excellent alternative to glass for furniture and decoration, extensively used in cabinets, splashbacks, coffee tables, decorative panels, etc.


This one’s a no-brainer. The tight glass material you see in shark tanks at aquariums is often acrylic. Other materials are also used as an alternative to glass, but acrylic is the best option as it meets all the required specifications at half the price of glass.

Fiber Optic Cabling

In the past, fiber optic wiring heavily depended on the glass as the wiring tips were made from it. This was done to protect the fiber lining while still allowing light to transmit through the line and carry the data from point A to point B.

These days, the emergence of acrylic has made fiber optics realize that using acrylic makes much more sense than glass. It provides an additional benefit – acrylic remains intact when bent or stretched, where the glass breaks.

Water Resistant Paint

One of the most crucial benefits of plastic material is water-resistant. When you pour water onto a plastic surface, you will notice that it slips off from the surface. This property makes acrylic paint a great innovation. Traces of acrylic plastic added to the paint give a similar effect. Although acrylic paint is making its way to house wall paint, it is primarily used for car paint.

Fluorescent Light Lenses

Fluorescent light has come under much trouble due to its emission of many blue lights. Fluorescent lights have been linked to mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Recently, acrylic plastic has been successfully formed into lenses that can fit over any fluorescent light bulb to soften the lighting and eradicate blue light.

Military Use

From breaking the sound barrier to diving deep into the ocean, acrylic has many uses for the military. Submarine windows and airplane cockpits are the most common applications for the military. Acrylic is super popular among the defense forces because of its adaptability, high strength under pressure, and transparency.

Acrylic is also heavily involved in the indoor decoration industry and is used to make plastic dentures.